Rules for Speaking English like Native speaker

# Rule-16: Pronunciation of “T”

	4 different T sounds:
1.	True T
2.	Flap T
3.	Held T
4.	Vanishing T

	True T:
1.	If “T” is beginning of the word then it will be true T means air puff sound will be happen when pronounced T
To, take, tell

2.	If “T” is in the stress syllable then it will be true T means air puff sound (air puff = T(h))
Until, hotel, return

3.	If “T” is in consonant cluster then it will be true T means air puff sound (A cluster when two consonant sounds occur right next to each other and you say them both.)
-st = stop
-str = street
-tr =  tree

4.	Cluster can be happened at the end of word:
-ct = fact
-ft = left
-lt = melt
-st = best
-pt = kept 

 Flap T: Flap “T” is acually “d” sound If “T” become between two vowels sound then T will be pronounced like d Water = wa-der City = ci-dy Later = la-der Better = be-der what is = wa-dis but I = bu-die
 Held T: 1. If “T” is not a consonant cluster and at the end of the word then T is held or stop T means air will not be released or tungue will be stopped when pronouncing “T” About that it was 2. If “T” becomes at the end of the syllable and next syllable start with the consonant Outside apartment 3. If “nt” comes at the and of the word then “t” will not be true “T” it will be Held or stop T Student President
 Vanishing T: If “T” is after m and n sounds and unstress syllable then T will be vanished Internet = innernet Printer = pinner Interview = innerview

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